
How to download direct links from warez site ?

Direct Downloads

Download Managers

  • JDownloader2 🌟 JDownloader is a free, open-source download management tool with a huge community of developers that makes downloading as easy and fast as it should be.
  • Internet Download Manager shareware download manager for Windows
  • idm-trial-reset Use IDM forever without cracking.
  • pyLoad Free and Open Source download manager written in Python and designed to be extremely lightweight, easily extensible and fully manageable via web
  • Xtreme Download Manager Xtreme Download Manager is a tool that claims to increase download speeds by up to 500%.
  • Plowshare Command-line tool and engine for managing sharing websites

DDL Tools

  • youtube-dl 🌟 youtube-dl is a command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and a few more sites.
  • youtube-dl-gui A cross-platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython
  • youtube-dl-helper Uses youtube-dl to download video/audio from many sites without requiring you to use the command-line (for Windows)
  • YouTube MP3 Rip Download YouTube music videos as MP3 files without registration
  • Leonflix 🌟 A multi-platform desktop app for finding movies and TV shows.
  • maulvi.github.io Google Drive direct download link generator
  • RapidLeech a free server transfer script for use on various popular upload/download sites such as uploaded.net, Rapidgator.net, and more than 127 others.
  • megatools Open-source command-line tools and C library (libmega) for accessing Mega.co.nz cloud storage.
  • MegaCrypt.js MegaCrypt.js lets you share your Mega.nz files without actually having to share any Mega.nz links by encrypting them to create a secure proxy for your files.
  • netclix A simple CLI tool to get movie streaming premium links from VodLocker's API
  • FilePursuit 🌟 FilePursuit provides a very powerful file indexing and search service allowing you to find a file among millions of files located on web servers.
  • grayhatwarfare S3 bucket search Not likely to find much with this one but interesting nonetheless
  • annie Fast, simple and clean video downloader
  • aria2 a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility.
  • Persepolis Front-end for aria2.
  • axel light command line download accelerator
  • uGet Open Source Download Manager
  • ripme A album/video downloader with support for over 80 sites
  • rdcli The simple way to download and unrestrict DDL files, torrents and magnets using Real-Debrid
  • get_iplayer A utility for downloading TV and radio programmes from BBC iPlayer
  • MEGAsync Easily automated synchronisation between your computer and your MEGA account. Can stream Mega videos directly.
  • wget wget is a free and open-source tool for downloading files using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and FTPS. It can be easily called from scripts, cronjobs, terminals without X-Windows support, etc.
  • wget - a noob's guide Beginner guide on how to use wget.
  • wget for Windows A command-line utility for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols.
  • curl curl is a command-line tool for downloading data using a variety of protocols. Easily installable on most operating systems.
  • FlixGrab FlixGrab+ is a unique application for downloading entire NetFlix serials, TV shows, documentaries, movies.
  • Mega.nz IDM Downloader Unlimited downloading from Mega.nz with IDM.

Custom Google Search Engines

FTP Indexers

  • Davos Web-based FTP automation for Linux servers.
  • Napalm FTP Indexer NAPALM FTP Indexer lets you search and download files located on public FTP servers.
  • Mamont's open FTP Index Browsable directory listing of publicly available FTP-sites

DDL Search Engines and Crawlers

  • ololo ololo is a video streaming link search engine.
  • MegaSearch Search engine for finding content hosted on Mega and other premium hosts like OpenLoad
  • VideoSpider VideoSpider crawls various websites and search engines to find movie and TV episode streaming links
  • Orion 🌟 Orion is a service that indexes metadata and links from a variety of public websites and networks, including torrent, Usenet, and hoster indexes.
  • Alluc Search engine with over 80 million streaming-links from over 700 VOD services, video hosters, and file-hosters
  • OD-Database Database of searchable open directories curated by The-Eye.eu
  • IPLIVE DDL search engine
  • SoftArchive SoftArchive or SA is a scene release website, more known for new releases of software, games, music, movies, and eBooks.

DDL Link Sites

Premium Link Generators

  • File Hosting Wiki This site aims to provide the most complete lists of premium link generators, torrent downloaders and more, with (possibly) frequent updates.
  • Real-Debrid 🌟 Real-Debrid is an unrestricted downloader that allows you to quickly download files hosted on the Internet or instantly stream them into an innovative web player
  • Premiumize Combine direct and secure access to premium services
  • Premiumizer Premiumizer is a download management tool for premiumize.me cloud downloads.
  • OffCloud A simple, elegant and intuitive SaaS to retrieve any data from the cloud.
  • Reevown A free download service with which you can perform premium downloads.

Premium Link Hosts